Welcome to Stel Salaried Pensioners Organization

March 3, 2020 - Morneau Shepell T4A

Bulletin Board

Important Notice from Morneau Shepell regarding your 2019 Canada Revenue Agency T4A Slips (State of Pension Income)

Morneau Shepell have alerted us to the fact that duplicate copies of 2019 T4A tax slips (Statement of Pension Income) were inadvertently mailed to all retired members of the Stelco Hamilton and Lake Erie Salaried Plans. 

Each retiree will receive the tax forms twice.  In the vast majority of cases, the information on the two tax slips are identical and the retiree can use either one of the duplicate forms to file their tax return. (No need to delay filing).

 However, there are approximately 80 retirees in the Plan(s) for whom an adjustment was done to the tax form prior to mailing.  The original unadjusted form was inadvertently sent out in addition to the adjusted form when the duplicates forms were inadvertently mailed.  In these cases, the two tax slips are not identical, and Morneau Shepell will be reaching out soon by mail, to each of the retirees who received an adjusted tax form, to advise of the correct tax slip to submit to the Canada Revenue Agency.  If you are one of the parties who has received two slips that are not identical, you are advised to delay filing your 2019 Tax Return until you have received further instructions from Morneau Shepell.  

Please note that the correct information was provided to Canada Revenue Agency.  If you have additional questions concerning your slips, please direct them to the Morneau Shepell Stelco Pension Service Centre.  Click here to obtain contact information.

Morneau Shepell apologizes for any confusion this may cause.

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